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Welcome to our setting and playgroup community.

We are a close, warm group where all children are encouraged to blossom and are celebrated and loved as an individual.

We are inclusive

All children are special and individual. Sometimes children may need extra support to help them develop and thrive. We are an inclusive setting where all children are treated as equals.

We believe in the voice of the child

We offer a child-centred approach to our practice. We believe that every child has the right to be heard and we understand that children's voices are not always expressed verbally. We spend time getting to know each child to be able to recognise their cues and body language. We encourage children to express themselves and take part in making decisions - such as which toys to get out or choosing the story for storytime.

We get messy!

Our activities often involve getting grubby or wet. We love craft activities (painting, glueing, cooking) and outdoor play (including digging, den building, sand, water and mud pies!). We believe dirty children are happy children! 

We are a signing setting

Makaton helps to support verbal communication by adding a consistent visual element. Most of our staff have attended the Makaton foundation training, with many of them continuing to complete their enhanced training. We aim to sign one keyword from each sentence to aid all children’s understanding and development. Makaton is for everyone - children do not need a learning or hearing impairment to benefit from Makaton signing.


We learn through play

Our activities are chosen to be fun, engaging and accessible. Children’s interests and requests also dominate much of our play. We add value to activities, providing a broad and rich curriculum with opportunities to be social, speak, listen, problem-solve, calculate, mark make, explore, investigate, create, move and more!


We are open to you

We welcome visits and topic or activity ideas from our families. We respect that you know your child best and value your information, questions and comments. Please feel free to see a member of staff if there is anything you would like to discuss or feel we can help with.

Tracey Lewarne (She/Her)

Setting Manager

Tywardreath Pre-School Playgroup

Image by Resul Mentes
Contact us

We welcome visits and are happy to chat or supply further information.


We have maintained our Ofsted  'Good' rating:

"Children arrive eager to share their stories with the warm and friendly staff. They settle quickly, exploring the inviting range of toys and activities on offer. Children concentrate and are very involved in their play." Ofsted January 2023

Worried about a child's safety? Click here for MARU

Important links

Concerned about an adult? Click here for LADO

Referrals for the Early Help Hub team can be accessed here

Want to chat to Ofsted about us or another childcare provider, school or setting? You can do that here

Tywardreath Preschool Playgroup is a Registered Charity (no. 1029667)
Old Town Hall, 2 Fore Street, Tywardreath, Par, Cornwall, PL24 2QP
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