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About Us

Tywardreath Pre-School Playgroup is a committee run registered charity. It opened around 1968 and operates from one room in the old town hall. We have exclusive use of the premises, which includes access to our secure, enclosed outdoor play area. We have been at our current location since 1998 and previously operated from the village hall on Church Street, and before the mid-1980s, located at the old chapel at Glen View.


Both present and past staff and committee are typically from the local area and promote the community fellowship and life. The group has a secure and supportive ‘family feel’ and many children who attend the setting choose to address the staff as ‘Aunty’, as has been traditional with the setting for over forty years.



What We Do Well


We pride ourselves in being an inclusive setting and we treat each child as an individual. We respect children and embrace their individual personalities.

We use children's interests and what they already know to be able to extend their learning. We plan and deliver a broad and rich curriculum that explores our own environment, the World around us, different cultures and beliefs and how things work. We demonstrate respect for others and ourselves.


We show strengths in supporting children with special educational needs. We use a multi-sensory approach in activities where possible. We support our verbal communication with Makaton signing. We use visual aids, such as photographic timetables, to aid the understanding of all children. Our setting works with teams of professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists, Special Educational Needs officers and Occupational Therapists to ensure any children who require additional support have their needs met and can thrive and achieve.


We have a strong partnership with parents/carers and recognise parents/carers as the first and most important educators of their children. Parents and carers are also encouraged to participate in and contribute ideas for our future.


Tywardreath Preschool Playgroup is a Registered Charity (no. 1029667)
Old Town Hall, 2 Fore Street, Tywardreath, Par, Cornwall, PL24 2QP
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